
Showing posts from May, 2009

Clothes Pegs II - Artistic

Being artistic - is what mom plans to achieve as she grows with me. See my "art work" below and you will know.. actually, its just clipping on to my clothes but I find it fun to see different colours on my pants... Bright colours tend to attract babies. So, these are the rite colors, I supposed. In any case, I cant wear too bright a colour... So dim colors will be my main wardrobe. Sob Sob. Reason? Ok, remain a mystery with mom. She knows, its good enough. This post will serve as a record...

Best Friend - Javier

On this day, we went to visit Aunty Sammi & Baby Javier. How time flies! We had turned 2 and to mom; it seems like we were just borned yesterday. Aunty Sammi had walked with Mom throughout the whole journey of pregnancy to the day we were borned, till we became 1 together and now 2. Its not only through thick & thin but many ups and downs, she's always here for Mommy. On the other hand; Mom hopes that both Javier & myself will become best of friends in future as well. We are 2 days apart from each other. We seem to share the same character - stubborn and bad tempered guys. Mom thoughts : Javier is a very sensible boy. With Ray's impulsive character, he needs a friend like Javier to guide him along the way.

Clothes Pegs I

Some nice videos to share as I transfer all clothes pegs from one basket to the other... Another mile stone of mine...

Attention-seeker in Childcare

I turned into a nasty monster now in my childcare centre... Form Teacher complained to Mommy.. that I purposely disturb my little friends when they are drawing. I will push them to the floor deliberately as they walk... Basically a "destroyer" in the centre now, or if not in my own class. We have a new-comer recently in my class. So that makes it 7 in our group. Naturally, the new-comer gets all the attention. According to my form teacher; I am just jealous since I am no longer the centre of attraction now. Well, I will just do all sorts of acts just to get attention from my teachers, especially my favourite teachers... It did not cross Mom's mind that I can be this bad and come to this extent of being an attention-seeker now. I used to be very independent in the centre... Honestly, the teachers can just let me do what I want to do since am well aware of the daily routine. But am just different now. Part of growing up?

Picky eater

I am gonna be or already a picky eater now.. I rather drink soups or totally skip my dinner for good... Most probably because I had the last session of milk quite late, say about 5plus. So, by the time Mom picks me up and prepares my dinner, its about 7plus in the night. I will play the whole night from the moment I stepped into the house, to bathe time, to sleeping time... Mom really have a hard time putting me to sleep nowadays... could it be the medicine? Or my cough which is giving me the discomfort? I am getting very unreasonable and impatient... Mom had no choice but to slap my backside and laps... Painful, MOM... Well, no choice but Mom has to use soups for substitution and other foods like carrots, corns and french beans BUT just without rice. As long as no white rice... I will eat. Fried Rice --- Ooh, I love it (without much seasoning of course). Now, Mom began to question herself --- Am I really that difficult to handle or Mom is not up to it... She will find out soon. She is

Safety 1st Hospital's Choice® Clear View Nail Clippers

Safety 1st Hospital's Choice® Clear View Nail Clippers - bought 2 years ago from Taka Baby Fair. Mom has to admit, this is a really good clipper - with the magnifying glass - which enlarge my nails to be cut. Because of our tiny fingers; honestly, its rather difficult to cut at times. Well, Mom used this Clipper "Officially" when I turned 1. Prior to that, she used Pigeon Scissors as our nails were way too soft at then. Now am at 2; I like to play with this clipper and even attempted to "cut" Mommy's toe nails..

Cranky Baby

Most likely because of the weather, my temper has been really bad nowadays. Mom has to put up with lots of my unpredictable flare-ups over the slightest issues. From the time I woke up, to wash up, brush teeth, change into my uniform, wearing my shoes to school to leaving me at school before work, there isn't a single time when I dun throw my tantrums at Mommy. Sometimes, Mom just breaks down and dunno what to do with me. Is there really a special way of handling toddlers? Or this is really just part of growing up? Even on weekends, I will bawl for no particular reason (probably to mom only) in the car or if not during my mealtimes... Solutions... "Leave me alone" right after portioning food for me at outdoors Do not "interrupt" me when I am doing something Do not snatch my things away from my hand when I am holding on to it (which my maid loves to do it!!!!) Explain to me why Im not allowed to do certain things Allow me to learn through the hard way... if I mea

Havoc @ Mart

I am unable to sit still in my stroller anymore. This is especially so when am at any Shopping Marts with Mom. I rather walk by myself, without anyone to hold my hand... Hey, thats what I call FREEDOM! Anyway, I started to take things off the shelves; am more attracted to stuffs which are familiar to me like shampoo, baby foods in boxes... To the extent, the attendants have to warn Mom - to beware in case of any fragile items.. *** Sigh *** Its not easy to bring a toddler to do marketing and even to stop him/her from touching things... So, Mom has to be tougher than me in order to exercise that firm stand - NO TOUCHING.


As I was playing in Mom's room this afternoon, I saw rays of sunlight shining on the floor... As I put my legs over the "light", I saw part of my legs turned into a lighter shade. As I lingered there longer, I started to take my legs away... Sense of touch rather, I can feel the warmth and of course it didnt feel good to be under such heat for too long. Furthermore, its in the early noon, sun here is extremely strong. Perhaps it will be good to have some four seasons in Singapore.

Corridor (to see bus)

Another way to soothe myself from crying / tantrums - Mom would carry me out of the house, walk along the corridor to see houses, moving cars, people. As its rather unsafe since am in Mom's arms, she thought by peeping through the narrow "slit" along the corridor will be much safer, but of course with Mom's supervison. Well, I can see buses stopping by, cars driving pass, people walking, cats chasing each other, babies in strollers, kids walking with their parents... Indeed, these are just normal but to a growing toddler, it is more than just exploring. Until now, Mom still wonders --- why is his son (me!) so obssessed about buses... I will run (after the bus as though) when I see the bus leaving; hurriedly flagged the bus when its approaching the bus-stop, cant wait to tap the card onto the sensor (an amount of fare will be deducted for the bus trip)... Now I know -- that I can see buses even if am not going downstairs.

Diaper-changing session

During my bath time, I made a great fuss as I always fought to do most of the things myself.. This includes applying baby oil, lotion, powder on myself. I tried to stop Mom from wearing diapers for me nowadays as well. I tried to put on the diapers, of course I failed. Come to think of it; Mom still remembered the following night after I was borned... One of the nurse came in and asked, "Have you changed his diapers?". Mom shook her head... Nurse continued to ask, "Do u know how to change?" Again, Mom shook her head... Well, the nurse taught her the ropes of changing diapers... and now, Mom is of course not only an expert but she has to be fast to settle her impatient baby. Knowing that I like to put my foot in almost everything she does; she gives me the powder container (with very little talc inside) together with the puff to distract me. From there, she quickly make do the diaper and be done within seconds.

School Work

Hey, I have school work too! Haa, its kinda funny when Mom found out several worksheets/booklet every month from my school bag. Well, it comprises of English Clouring, Words; Chinese, Singing, Mom's surprised as at such a young age at Play Group, we are already exposed to such study materials. Of course its a good start at young. Mom knows the competition ahead is gonna be tough as I go into Primary One. Nevertheless; she is not gonna exert too much pressure on me. She thought I may have inherited the same character trait as her; one whom loves to read & somewhat "study"... Uhmm, not being thick skinned here but Mom does like to read & study BUT... BUT detests exams. Hahahahaaa.... Anyway, which child will love exams?!?

Belated Cake Cutting

Tis day, we had an enjoyable cake-cutting session with Por-por & Yee-yee. Daddy is indeed good to Mommy. He knows her well and suggested the idea of cake-cutting to be at their place. Of course, Mom is overjoyed. And honestly, Im proud to be his son. We spent the whole day at por-por place and went for dinner at " The Soup Restaurant ". These are the few dishes we had ~ Mom collated some of them from their website ---- extract pixs directly from here A snapshot of the dishes over the table... fish is fresh and soup is delicious. A good place if you just want to have some "home-cooked" simple dishes.

Clean House

So much about cleaing my bathroom floor, picking up tiny bit of dirt and dust from the floor and table... On this fateful day; I snatched the piece of table cloth from my maid and started cleaning the house. This is a very hilarious act but Mom thought this is a good start. She would like to train me in housework if possible, so that I wont need to depend on woman when am a fine young man. I started to remove the side table cover; cleaned the table, shelves; and even underneath Mom's bed... Too fussy and probably its a good idea if I know all the facts about house chores.

Happy 2nd Birthday!

Today's my 2nd birthday; we went to have buffet dinner at Miramar Hotel . Its a cheap & good deal since now its time for cutting-costs. They serve local delights with nice desserts. Folks, should give it a try. At the table, I began to eat by myself no doubt we all know its gonna be messy afterwards. True enough, the floor area just below my highchair is full of rice, food, sugar packs (which I took to play earlier). The poor waitress will have to clean up this mess. Well, a simple dinner but I had a great time! Thought of going to have a walk at Singapore River, but since "swine flu"... uhmmm, best to avoid crowded places for now.

Artistic huh

Ok, I still have a thing for chopsticks... Look what I have done to the bunch of chopsticks! Mom dunno if am being artistic or hust trying to be funny. She thought and assumed; this is probably what I deemed to be some kind of project work, to fill up all the "holes" of the stool. She hopes to develop the creativity side of me. So, she let me draw & colour on blank papers during the weekends. Since am also learning it in school; if I can practise the same at home, should be perfect.

Insect / Bug Bite again!

Dunno why, but I got bitten again at home this time! Since am still young, I do not know how to sooth myself from the itchiness but kept scratching non-stop... Eventually, it becomes a swelling "pig hand" now. Both my hands got the same type of bite. As Mom was still contemplating to buy California Baby Calendula Cream; she applied Balsam Cream instead... Seems good and effective as it dries up the "pus" (transparent liquid ozzing out from the bites) quickly the next day. It minimise the itchiness and gives a cooling effect. Dad asked a friend to buy from Indonesia - which is relatively cheaper. Perhaps of the weather here in Singapore; getting very unpredictable nowadays, more mosquitoes at home and childcare centres... Insect repellent is not really working at this time... The bites left some "scars" on my skin due to prolonged scratching.

Mother's Day dinner

Supposed to have a family affair dinner with Mom & Dad yesterday... But last minute arrangement by grandparents to have dinner at SAFRA Yacht Club... Well, we attended anyway. Dad missed his F1 Race Day as well. For the first time, am sitting in a car without my personal car seat... Felt weird but quite ok. In actual fact, all babies supposed to be belted securely onto their own car seats as far as Singapore Law is concerned. But in any case, since this is not Dad's car, no car seat for me. As we reached; I prefer to look at the sea since am rather curious about the sea waves -- how it hit the rocks up to the coast... All others were at the table; including Uncle Gary, grandparents, etc. Well, as usual; there are always so much "vocals" to put up with since everyone was here. Mom prefers to look at the sun-setting sky... which probably gives one a more calm feeling. Such a pity, we did not celebrate Mother's Day personally with Mom. But we shall do it with Dad n

Happy Mother's Day!

Hi Mom! I thank you for the sacrifices you had made, I thank you all the time & effort you had spent with me... Being a mom is never an easy task; to be a good Mom is more than a challenging project. Hereby, wishing all the Moms in the world --- A Happy Wonderful Joyus Mother's Day with your little loved ones...

Apply Lotion

Just as I like to bathe by myself; Im getting busier each day as well. Applying lotion & oil; dusting with talc powder had become part of my routine, that I want to join in the fun. However, Mom feels that am not just being busybody and am learning to be independent somehow; which is of course a good headstart. Good habits start from home within the family ----- this is Mom's belief. Its just like good mannerism; it all begins from home with your loved ones.

Sun-maid Raisins

Mom loves raisins; anything from raisin cake, raisin bread, muffins, cookies & pastries. So, she would to share this nice taste with me... Jenn (mom's colleague) had bought a pack of raisins for her niece today. So, she gave 2 small packs to Mom. Hey, first taste of it and I love it.. Guess I do share the same taste bud as Mom. Some Interests to share --- extract from Sun Maid ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Q: Are there additives or preservatives in Raisins? A: In our Sun-Maid Natural Raisins there are no additives or preservatives. When the raisins are ready to be processed, we clean the raisins using large aspirators (vacuums), graders, and shakers to remove stems, dirt, and other foreign objects. We then do a very thorough washing in fresh water which rehydrates the raisins . Sun-Maid Golden Raisins are cleaned in much the same way, although these raisins are treated with the preservative sulfur dioxide. Q: How do raisins affect dental health? A: Research shows

Bathe & Clean

During my bathe, I started to use cloth to clean myself... such as my own body, hands, fingers and even my feet. Mom failed to capture this good shot of me cleaning my toe nails... Its just a sight, man! Lathering and shampooing my hair --- I started quite some time ago. Initially, Mom thought I was just having some fun with the foam.. but looks like am serious about cleaning up all this while. Anyway, a short clip for my memory.

Sensitive Nose?

Ermmm... I seems to be a dog lover. I love to cling onto the toy dog. I know of some "friends" whom are sensitive to fur... especially to real dog's fur & fluffy soft toys... Probably is what we known as sinus and sensitive nose. One of my cousins has this problem and I hope she'll eventually outgrow... God bless. Anyway, Thank God; I dun seem to have this as of now. Mom's sinus was bad when she was a child.. Now, hers is only an occasional affair. Dad's sinus emerged only in his thirties.. Sounds odd but its true. In any case, flu bug is a pain to me now. My flu comes on and off... Mom's looking at flu remedies and she hopes; my occasional flu has nothing to do with sinus.


Mom bought some cooking utensils & stuffs from the recent John Little Sale since I do play cookery at Childcare as well. It was a fast buy at then since Mom sneaked out during lunchtime to get it...Well, I enjoy cooking somehow as I often get to see how Mom prepares for our dinner. Talk about this, ... thanks to Mom who had to rush home every night just to cook a good meal for us. The best part is not about the rush but to headache about "WHAT TO COOK FOR DINNER TODAY?" So, she has to plan dinner on a weekly basis every Sunday in order to have an efficient marketing... Otherwise, she has unwated food left in the fridge, either expired or not in use... Anyway, she learnt as she goes along and now Dad said, "Your Mom's a Good Cook!"