TLC on animals

I was first introduced to dogs and now cats. I am fascinated when I can see these animals move about freely by themselves along the streets. Of course, dogs usually follow their owners but not cats as they are usually many stray cats in Singapore. I have a big soft toy dog at home... And I like to hold it, touch it... and say, "woh-woh...woh..." (dog barking sounds).

We are not allowed to keep pets at home for the moment even though we have 2 pet lovers here (my 2 old folks)... Being emotional, they do nto want to go thru the same agony of losing these loved ones. Well, perhaps during their ripe age, they may keep one for companionship.

Right now, they try to inject kindness, love & care for animals into my stream. Small animals as pets are so cute and we have to be treat them just like how our parents love us.

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