My specs

I like to play near the TV...and there is no way to stop me unless Dad uses his best weapon ---- foodo lure me to the sofa.. Mom was quite worried about my eye sight since she herself is short-sighted; I may inherit from her afterall. Daddy has very slight & mild short-sightedness... He wears spectacles in the night if he drives... Normally, he is good without specs.

Well, wearing specs and contacts lens.. with all the solutions, its honestly a chore to Mom.. She has to change into specs right after her bath (a long day from work & night's cooking) on every week day. So where there is a day to rest like weekends, she prefers specs as less hassles and free her eyes from triedness. She does not want me; to go thru these. But again, if its meant to be; guess its a matter of time. Mom sees many young kids as young as Kindergarden; start on specs... Poor babies --- I may just be one of them.

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