My Birthday CAKE!

So, I insisted on a BEN 10 Birthday. So, Mom had gotten the idea of ordering an Icing Sheet instead to place on my Birthday Cake.

Mom ordered a Halal Birthday Cake from Prima Deli, since most of my school teachers are Muslims and some of my classmates & schoolmates are Muslims too. Well, Mom is really considerate as what her friends had commented. In fact, she didnt need to care so much about ordering a specific cake which is Halal to cater to the school folks. However, she just wanted everyone to enjoy the day with me. And being considerate is a good value. Thumbs up! Mommy!
This is the link. 2 advantages! 1st - the icing sheet is Halal itself. 2nd - it is nearby our area, Tampines self collection. They do their reg post - but Mom prefers to self collect from them.

This is the design Mom had done up on a Powerpoint - as a JPG file & send it to the icing sheet maker...

And this is the cake which she had ordered from Prima Deli, without the toys and design on the top of the cake... PLAIN. Cant make the cake pic any bigger though..

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