Daddy not around

One of the ocassions; Daddy was not at home. Somewhere around last week or so... He has to travel for some usual business trip. Mom was feeling bored, so she took some snap shots & send via email to Daddy... Err, he was not using any iphone.. plus no Blackberry yet at then. So, didnt send via Whatsapp. Haa. She thought this may "cheer" him up after some boring meeting with some agents/customers at overseas.

I am forever showing my "teeth" whenever I am in camera shots. Mom gotta tell me to close my mouth & smile, then the cheeky smile will emerge out. Somehow, my smile looks exactly like Mommy.. Eyes that are squeezed into a line when smiled and the mouth kinda big, ... yeah, BIG.

Anyway, Daddy was happy to receive the pictures. Mom & Dad had some video chat before they turn in for the day. We all missed Daddy at then, especially ME. I kept asking - Where is Daddy? Is he not coming back? Silly me...

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