Mei Mei sensitive skin again

Dunno if it is because of the pacifier that had caused the rashes to run around her lips area... Mom changed to Avent "NEW" Pacifier... looks like it. Advanced orthodontic pacifiers
This looks like a good one, similar to NUK pacifier. Wider and looks more hygiene?
Mom had just threw away one of the NUK Pacifiers. Left one NUK to standby. This Avent Pacifier cost around SGD 10.00 (cannot remember now due to short-memory from Mommy... :p)

So far, Mei Mei is adapting well to this Pacifier for the past 2 nights. Except she looks as if - feeling weird maybe due to a bigger nipple? Most important of all, not much rashes anymore. So, it may be a good choice to switch to this Pacifier afterall.

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