Happy 5th Birthday to ME!

Today is my 5th Birthday! 5 years ago, I was still a little tiny baby. Now, I had grown taller, bigger in size (of course) and naturally more mischievious!
5 years had passed and this was the 1st time I celebrated my birthday in a school. I was all excited about it! I kept going around, telling teachers & all my friends - my birthday is coming and Im holding a "party" in the school. Well, Mom was very excited too. She took pains to prepare the goody bags for me... Just only for my class - total of 11 boys & 3 girls. The rest of the schoolmates will get jelly from me each, some gotten sweets.
Then, Mom collected the cake from Prima Deli in the morning itself. It was really a hectic morning as they need to place the icing sheet on top of the bare-body cake... Let's see!
Nicely placed - simple & nice. Then, Mom & Dad proceed to school for my wonderful party!
So coincidentally, one of the boys (my classmate) is also having his party as well. We shared the same birth date - 15th May 2007! So, we have 2 BIG Cakes during this "Dual" Birthday Party. We invited the students/schoolmates from other classes to join in the fun!
Oh.... There goes the Icing Sheet on the plate... ****DESTROYED****
And this is my GIRLFRIEND, Mommy. My best friend too! She is pretty!Everybody was so elated!
Shots with my FORM TEACHER!
My FAVORITE Chinese Teacher!
My Ex-Form Teacher last year...
Last round of give-aways on sweets & jellys...
Overall, I had an enjoyable Birthday Party with my friends. Although it was a simple one, but I appreciated it very much! Thank You Mom & Dad!

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