Dermoid Cyst

Mei Mei had went for her appointment on her Dermoid Cyst; at her right eyebrow area. It is pretty obvious as she grows older. The Doctor finally decided to operate on her after Mom & Dad insisted. Honestly, they didnt have a very good impression on the KKH Doctors afterall since Mei Mei's hospitalisation.
During the 1st appointment on the dermoid cyst, the doctor was still okay. He explained everything in great details to my 2 old folks...and waited patiently for the 2nd appointment which was supposed to be due in 2 months time. But because the cyst seems to get larger, we had brought forward the appointment date & insisted something to be done straightaway. He only sent Mei Mei for some ultra-scan; which turned out to be fine, PHEW!!!

2nd Doctor SUCKS, I would say! Yes, still at KKH we are talking about. In case you do not what is KKH, pls do click on the name KKH, which will auto bring you to the site. We cannot remember the doctor's name for now. Anyway, this doctor kept using phrases like, "I see no big deal on this cyst", "Can delay operation, no big deal"...etc Dadgot fed up and so did Mom; so they agreed to change doc instead; to the best i.e. Head of Department (Cleft & Cranofacial Centre) - Dr Vincent Yeow.

Now we went to see 3rd Doctor ~ Dr Vincent Yeow. Of course, waiting time is so much longer. We waited for like an hour plus for him. And the verdict after seeing him?

He is a rather proud doctor BUT he had what it takes to be though. Because he sounds so confident when Daddy asked him about the scar after-operation. Dr Yeow said, he would make a smaller incision then. And afterall, we still have to wait till Mei Mei is 10 pounds, then we can have the operation.

Nonetheless, we booked the surgery appointment to be in early September. Meantime, we cross our fingers to pray that the cyst will get smaller.

Here are 2 of the raw pictures taken; u can see the lump rather obvious...

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