Heniz Mixed Vegetables

Its May Day today!... Public holiday in Singapore.
We went to buy Heinz Baby Food Jar - MIXED VEGETABLES. As usual, it is some puree and Mei Mei loved it very much. Why? Easy to swallow, digest, sweet & most importantly, CONVENIENT! Uhmm, but thats for Mom. Keke...
Baby food jars are quite a norm in some Western Countries, we know. But in Asian Countries, it may not be very popular among Mommies. But Mommy like my MOM - she is fine with Baby Food Jars. But she does not have the habit of bringing them outdoors. Mei Mei will eat a bit of all our foods. She hit 13months 2days ago. Mom tried to let her have a taste of almost everything, even a tiny weeny bit of chilli sauce.. Heehee.
Hopefully, she will not be as fussy as ME!

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