Fixing my stroller

Out of the blue, the wheel of the stroller just gave way and dropped out while we were making our way for lunch. Daddy gotta make a stop at the nearby bench to fix it. Being a busybody, I squatted to watch what went wrong. I asked a lot of questions and Daddy got quite pissed off actually. Being an inquisitive person, I just cannot help but shooting questions until I get an "understandable" answer from Daddy.

Especially in the car; during the journey of either going out somewhere or on the way home, I will pop questions like, "Mommy, where are we going?!" OR "Are we going to somewhere?" OR "Where are all the buses?" OR "Where is the Police Car?"... etc. Sometimes, Mommy has to repeat her answers all over again and again, till she felt so exhausted that she directed them to her Supportive Spouse... Then Daddy will give me a very satisfactory answer. Mom wondered; could it because his answers are very straightforward and hence I didnt ask anymore or because her answers are too vague that led to numerous question marks in my mind; that I kept asking. Or is it because of "fear", knowing that I should not probe further since Daddy already answer. But anyway, I cannot deny the fact that I am really somehow, scared of Daddy to a certain extend but not to Mommy...

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