My Poor Mommy, Im Sorry - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more
My poor Mommy had gotten the sicko virus from me... a mild one. Doc said, adults usually will not get unless their immune system is pretty low at then. Immune system can be low if the adult is stressed up too, doc said. So she got the virus from me during her most stressful period (without maid, plus looking after the sickly child, which is me)... Talking about a mild one, hers is a very painful experience... She cannot walk for too long, her feet pain as if needles prickling her... Her palms are painful but no choice gotta do housework still. Her throat with only that few ulcers though; when she swallow saliva (not to mention even eat anything down her throat), she has to hold back her tears as she let the saliva/water/food flow through her throat...

Both Mommy & myself experienced the same symptoms... Started all with high fever, up and down and never subsides... the moment you missed the fever medicine for that few minutes, fever rose up again. Then next day comes the throat, painful like ***hell*** with multiple ulcers... then little red spots appeared on palms/soles/arms/legs. For me, mine only a few on my soles and many on my laps. Mommy suffered quite alot... palms where the fingers are and soles... all swelling.

Mommy, you have to recover soon!

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