Sleep @ 2130 hrs

When I was a newborn, I used to sleep alot which most do so. As I grow older up to the age of about 6 months or so, I still turned in as early as 6pm in the evening and woke up at 6am+ the next morning. As I gradually grow, I started to sleep at about 9plus or even 10 latest. Since the day I started childcare, my routine will start at 8pm - the time when I wash up & sleep at 8.30pm or any time before 9pm.

Nowadays, I started to sleep at 9.30pm sharp without fail almost every night except during the weekend when I dun usually like afternoon naps... my nap time can last up to 3 hours or more during my schooltime; so I ended up sleeping later in the night recently which is obviously not very good.

Most of Mommy's frens (AND relative's kids); their little ones can sleep as late as 11pm or even anytime after mid-night. Well, this is definitely not her cup of tea for sure. She believes in "Sleep early & Wake Up early" for all children. But of course for herself, she sleeps late and wakes up early (since I wake up early sometimes like 5am on a Saturday or Sunday...) Imagine I will pester her "Mommy, sit sit" while I pat the floor with my palm... OR "Mommy Mommy, play, toy" while he happily searched for a nice toy from his toy box. So, how can she bring herself back to sleep again? At times, she ended up dozing off on the sofa or even my ABC mat in the living room as I play...

Now, I started to ask Mommy to play with me before I sleep. So, this is how 2130hrs come by, after a good play & 2nd round of milk, I will sleep willingly.... with great satisfaction (shown on my face) as I close my eyes to the dreamland.

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