Pack to School

I love to pack food and sometimes certain toys to school in the morning. Reason - not because I do not like the food in school but I would love to have lots of food with me; be it jelly, cookies, fruits like strawberries, bananas, etc in a small plastic bag, hand-held it and walk to school with Mommy.

Initially, I would immediately open the plastic bag when I reached school & eat the food which I bought. But recently, I started to hand the bag of food to Mom and tell her to keep it in my school bag (hurriedly) just at the point when I reached the school doorstep. She suspected - someone must have "told me off" by telling me - "no outside food is allowed"??? Well, she cant think of any other reason for this . Anyway, she finds no reason why is outside home-food not allowed. She didnt raise this concern to any of the teachers (yet) since this is trivial. Just that, she feels weird somehow. Well, she wouldnt care unless some teacher decides to address this personally with her.

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