I am the Lift Boy

It looks like I am in-charge of the lifts in my block. I do not allow anyone to press the lift - be it outside or inside the lift. I must be the only one to press for the lift to arrive at my 8th storey or to press to go to the ground level. If anyone is to press like outsiders, I will fret and start to fuss in the lift with all the strange corner eyes glaring at me. Otherwise, I will scream and sit on the floor if Mom or Dad is the culprit. In order to save themselves from all the ear sufferings, they rather not do anything but let me do the job.

But I always get mixed up with the button 8 and 10. Very often, my finger will reach out to the 10 Button (10th Storey). On the other hand, I like to press 2 instead of 1. So Mom always try her best to guide me along the way most of the time. Once in a while, I will ask her, "I press this yeah" and the small little finger pointing at 1. When it did end up wrongly and open its doors at the 2nd storey, I would say, "Orh, monster stay here" with finger pointing out to the door direction.

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