Adult biscuits

Not much of baby biscuits now, instead Mom bought healthy "adult" biscuits for me now. At times, I will some of Daddy's cookies... Well, somehow I started to turn baby biscuits away as well. Perhpas they are more bland since my tastebuds are getting more sensitive. Well, as long as the biscuits are healthy and full of neccesary vitamins, Mom will never hesitate to buy for me... Sometimes she would spend that few more dollars to get some premium nice cookies for me... probably spoiling me to a certain extent but which Mommy will not want their child to have the best of everything... Anyway, Im a greedy boy.. so long its delicious, I will never let it slip off. Hahahahha
Here are some delicious biscuits which Im pampered with now... Some of them are extracted from Manufacturer's websites and others from beautiful webbies...

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