My 1st May Day

May Day, the first of May is celebrated around the world. It has a number of meanings. In many other countries it is a celebration of spring and the coming of summer. It is celebrated with many spring flowers. To other countries, it is a celebration for the workers (known as Labour Day/International Workers Day)

May 1 is a national holiday in Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Croatia, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Italy, Jordan, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Lebanon, Malaysia, México, Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Paraguay, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Slovenia, Sweden, Thailand and Vietnam.

In other countries, Labour Day will fall on a different date...

* Australia: 03-Mar (W.Aust), 10-Mar (Vic/Tas),
: 05-May (Queensland/North.T)
: 06-Oct (S.Aust/ACT/NSW)
* Bahamas: 06-Jun
* Canada: 01-Sep
* India: 01-May known as Maharashtra Diwas ...
* Ireland: 05-May
* Israel: is not officially celebrated

* New Zealand: 27-Oct
* United Kingdom: 05-May (early May Bank Day)
* USA: 01-Sep

* Hawaii (known as Lei Day i/o May Day)

On this date; Mom & Dad brought me out for a walk. As usual, public holiday is crowded everywhere. Today is also the first time I babble to myself from the start of the outing till I reached home... Mom wondered; since when did I become so long-winded and chatty...

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