Mei Mei finds hidden stuffs

As Mei Mei grows day by day, she seems to look more like an adult than a toddler. Her smiles, her reactions, her response to us all look & sound very mature.
She likes to touch one of these fluffy soft toy dog. So whenever she sees this fluffy dog, she will use her hands to feel it. Mom will warn her and she will pretend to stick out her hand almost touching the dog but in time to withdraw her hand back before Mom "shoots" her little fingers jokingly & gently.

On one occasion, Mom tried to hide the dog up. Mei Mei seems to have 6th sense and went to "open up" the pillows to see if the dog is hiding beneath the pillows... Few times she did it, one of the times she used a little more strength to pull the pillow towards her direction, she fell back together with the pillow! Wahaha, luckily she was on the bed itself. She didn't hit her head.

Smart girl? Actually we dunno. But mom realised Mei Mei's head shape is starting to resemble mine. She also have this "bulging" forehead

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