Journey to Walking Part V

Mommy's best friend daughter - Jerica can walk!!!! She is 15 months already & finally walking around the whole house, very busy. Recalling when I first started to walk, that was probably around 14 months. I was so busy everyday. And looked so cute. Mom always thought that boys ate cuter. And her colleagues still feel that she favors son more than daughter. Actually it's not so.

First child is always very precious & 宝贝. Can't compare at all. Mom didn't have a smooth journey during the 1st preg. But having Mei Mei is totally different. She was kinda pampered in all ways. So now Mei Mei is still pampered... by Daddy. A myth - daughter is a daddy's ex-lover in their previous life... Believe it a not... Despite the fact that Mei Mei is premature, mom tried to look at it positively. She may or may not be walking so soon, she is 1.5 mths born earlier. So probably have to count back to see her milestones. But so far so good. She is flaring pretty well like any normal babies except her size.

Mei Mei, hope to see you walk soon, then we can start to play together every weekend.

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