I'm convinced on Crocs

I never like crocs. Because I find them ugly, bulky, weird, not-nice, plain, etc. all the names u can think of. I used to wear my first pair of crocs at the age of one year old plus. And I did loved to wear them. But god knows since when, I started to wear Slip-on Slippers, my favor towards Crocs ceased. Mom did bought a 2nd pair of crocs for me but I didn't want to wear at all. And now we are talking about this 2nd pair of Army-green crocs I have here. It had been raining heavily recently.

So there's this one morning when we have to walk to school as usual but the pavements were all heavily flooded. Mom didn't allow me to wear my normal track shoes because they will get damp & eventually smells after that especially the shoes are kept indoor in the school. So she convinced me to wear crocs and reassured me that even if crocs get wet, it will dry easily. Well, I wasn't left with much choice at then especially with a fierce morning Mom. So I wore them throughout the "raining" journey to school. True enough, i can even walk through floods when I didn't dare at first. Mom held my hand & told me not to be afraid.

2nd occasion was about today, we went to nearby supermarket. Again, I was asked to wear Crocs. Mom said - crocs to wear to go nearby places; more convenient. Track shoes for me to wear to school, more suitable unless it rains. To Mom's surprise, I agreed to her statements above, and repeated after her. Hey, mom was relieved. Not only the money didn't go to the drain but at least, it is safer for me to wear crocs than the slip-on fit flops at this age.

Crocs - good choice but support original please!

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