
Showing posts from April, 2012

My children miss me

This morning, I told Mommy that its been so long that I didn't go to school. In fact, it has only been 2 days. Mom asked why do I say so. I didn't answer directly but I told her; "You know, all my children miss me. And I miss my children." Haa, sounds sweet though but kinda amusing. I used the phrase "my children", meaning to say my classmates. And I imitate my form teacher as she always likes to say "my children", "children, let's do this.", etc... It's good that I love going to school. And I even told Mom, "I dunno what I will be learning today in school. But I will share with you tonight yeah." Hahaha, sounds like a grown-up kid. If time really flies, I will be a "notorious" pupil in the Primary School in no time...

More rice please

More rice, more vegetables & more meat. I am beginning to take in more staple foods rather than indulging on snacks before meals. Actually at times, I may just fuss and refused certain vegetables. Then Mom would get angry & said, "It's either u eat everything OR, u don't eat anything at all. U decide." So I have no choice but to eat every single food that's being served on the plate to me. A bowl of soup to complement every meal. Talking about nutritious, I am not a very nutritious person because I only fancy more on cookies and candies. Mom just has to force the issue; ensure I eat all kinds of foods in a meal. Otherwise, I'm probably still on the habit of half-biscuits & half-a-meal thingy. Hey it's hard to enforce on me actually because I'm too stubborn. But kid is kid. At the age of 5, it is still consider easy to convince me to do most things. Mom is really not looking forward to the days when I'm much older.

Sweet little girl

It is so difficult to take snap shots of Mei Mei. She is always moving like a snake. It's hard to make her sit still. So last night, mom managed to get her sit down. But instead, she "kneel" like a Japanese woman.  So cute!!!! Her smile is always so sweet.

Emo Mommy

Mommy is emo again... She is feeling upset that Mei Mei is borned small & no one can understand how she feels. Mei Mei is indeed a cute happy baby. She has no other flaws except smaller than the usual babies at the age of one. She is responding well & eating well but seems not enough. Problem is; she don't really trust her care-giver which is the maid. She can't really entrust feeding habits to the maid yet; afterall, maid is still very new. Mom is a full-time working mother; basically comes home & rushes like a mad woman to cook & prepare everybody's dinner. There is not much time to really feed Mei Mei except eating with mom. Mei Mei already started to eat rice & almost all kinds of foods that are healthy which Mom is taking as well. She really hopes that Mei Mei will really catch up by the age of 2; just like what all other doctors been telling her. Being a Mom is not easy but a Mom to a preemie is even tough. To put up with people's gossips &

Journey to Walking Part V

Mommy's best friend daughter - Jerica can walk!!!! She is 15 months already & finally walking around the whole house, very busy. Recalling when I first started to walk, that was probably around 14 months. I was so busy everyday. And looked so cute. Mom always thought that boys ate cuter. And her colleagues still feel that she favors son more than daughter. Actually it's not so. First child is always very precious & 宝贝. Can't compare at all. Mom didn't have a smooth journey during the 1st preg. But having Mei Mei is totally different. She was kinda pampered in all ways. So now Mei Mei is still pampered... by Daddy. A myth - daughter is a daddy's ex-lover in their previous life... Believe it a not... Despite the fact that Mei Mei is premature, mom tried to look at it positively. She may or may not be walking so soon, she is 1.5 mths born earlier. So probably have to count back to see her milestones. But so far so good. She is flaring pretty well like

Mei Mei exploring in cot

Mei Mei likes to explore things in her own cot & even playpen. She is not as dependent as before. Of course when Mom is at home, she needs to be around, within Mei Mei's sight at least, then Mei Mei can rest her mind to play by herself in the playpen or cot. Her favorite is removing the tape of the wet tissues and taking them all out.. Then u will see the cot full of wet ones, and the items all in a mess. Current maid didn't really bother to tidy up the cot. But this maid is definitely more attentive & caring towards Mei Mei.

I'm convinced on Crocs

I never like crocs. Because I find them ugly, bulky, weird, not-nice, plain, etc. all the names u can think of. I used to wear my first pair of crocs at the age of one year old plus. And I did loved to wear them. But god knows since when, I started to wear Slip-on Slippers, my favor towards Crocs ceased. Mom did bought a 2nd pair of crocs for me but I didn't want to wear at all. And now we are talking about this 2nd pair of Army-green crocs I have here. It had been raining heavily recently. So there's this one morning when we have to walk to school as usual but the pavements were all heavily flooded. Mom didn't allow me to wear my normal track shoes because they will get damp & eventually smells after that especially the shoes are kept indoor in the school. So she convinced me to wear crocs and reassured me that even if crocs get wet, it will dry easily. Well, I wasn't left with much choice at then especially with a fierce morning Mom. So I wore them throughout t

Mei Mei's self-feed

Yay!!! Mei Mei knows how to feed herself by taking food from our hands with her two fingers, and puts in her mouth. A nice milestone! So cute! Check out the video!

Practise Writing

We chances upon this wonderful "Erasable" writing pad that comes with markers and a small square cloth that wipes off the words again n again.. No more buying brand new practice books again n again. Now, we can reuse the pad again and again.  These can be bought at Popular Bookstore.

Mei Mei cuddles Mommy

We were all in the car.. Mei Mei is in Mom's arms as usual. She is so adorable as she cuddles herself comfortably into Mom's chest.. Due to the car motion, she was somehow sleepy and finally dozed off... Mom smelled Mei Mei - the smell of innocence... Very soon, it will be sweaty smell.. Haha, like me!!!

Mei Mei's new Bedsheet cover

Haa!!! All the existing bed sheets for the cot are all too boyish.. Hand down by ME! So mom bought a pink Babysafe Bedding set for Mei Mei a year ago. Only until now, she feels that it's time to get another one now. So she settled with this SHEARS brand at Robinson Expo Sale. . Sweet designs with butterflies & pink polka dots. The next one would likely to be bought online at maybe Babygap.

Mei Mei finds hidden stuffs

As Mei Mei grows day by day, she seems to look more like an adult than a toddler. Her smiles, her reactions, her response to us all look & sound very mature. She likes to touch one of these fluffy soft toy dog. So whenever she sees this fluffy dog, she will use her hands to feel it. Mom will warn her and she will pretend to stick out her hand almost touching the dog but in time to withdraw her hand back before Mom "shoots" her little fingers jokingly & gently. On one occasion, Mom tried to hide the dog up. Mei Mei seems to have 6th sense and went to "open up" the pillows to see if the dog is hiding beneath the pillows... Few times she did it, one of the times she used a little more strength to pull the pillow towards her direction, she fell back together with the pillow! Wahaha, luckily she was on the bed itself. She didn't hit her head. Smart girl? Actually we dunno. But mom realised Mei Mei's head shape is starting to resemble mine. She

My Ben 10 Pencil Case

During last year's Xmas gift exchange session in school, I got a Barbie Doll pencil case.. Urghh of course Mom didn't like to see me carry it. So she bought something boyish for me instead! BEN 10 Pencil case! I love this Mom! I can put all my color pencils, magic pens all in. I always being this useful pencil case to school. At least; it is really put to a good use, next thing would b getting a firm pouch for my panel of color pencils.. The box holding the color pencils is going to break into pieces very soonZz... So, this is how a boy uses his things?! Hey, can be trained at a young age. That's what mOm plans to do and is doing...

Playing with baby & tub

This is one of Mei Mei Birthday present given by Mommy's best friend. So adorable baby... See Mei Mei trying to bath the baby. Although Mei Mei still dunno what's going on... I am willing to teach her eh! See, I'm playing with it too !

Mei Mei looking for toy

Such a cute scene of Mei Mei looking and following her "moving" toy. She tried to catch her toy but because her grasping of moving objects is still not stable, she tends to miss it at times. She also deviates as she moves with the toy...