I had mooncake!

For the past few years, I had been munching mooncake at every Mooncake Festival. I was like one year old, then two year old followed by three year old. Honestly, I wasnt that sure of my taste buds at then, so I just eat whatever I think its sweet. And yes, I still love sweet stuffs. 
This year, I am four years old. And of course its different. I had learnt to make choices for the past 1 year or two. I started to reject foods that I do not think they are nice. I even say NO to food even though I had tasted them before once or twice or even previously.

For this, I prefer Regent Hotel Mooncake of course. Because its sweeter than any other mooncakes. Bakerzin, I had one mouth and I shook my head right after that when given the 2nd serving. You can say, I have a fussy tastebud but I usually prefer to eat something that LOOKS Nice. Honestly, mooncakes do not look that appealing especially those brown skinned ones. So I do like snowskin, any flavours. And brown skinned ones, lucky Regent can do the job for me.

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