
Since Mei Mei turned 4 months; she started to refuse milk at times. Mom cannot recall the same incident that may have happened to me. But now, its such a challenge to feed her. Even the maid gets somehow frustrated at times but Mom kept reminding the maid on that few possible reasons.

Throwing tantrums during milk feeding could be:* Wind in the stomach (need to burp first)
* Stomach discomfort (gonna poo)
* Teething (itchy gums)
* Sleepy (rather sleep than to drink)

So now, maid somehow gets the hang of it. Of course sometimes, its so hard to control her crying. And so far, only Mom can take control of the "crying situation". Errmm, sad to say; Daddy is unable to pacify Mei Mei even though he so-claimed he can if he wants to. Urghh... Well, Daddy is only good at CONTROLLING... ME lor! Being the stricter figure, of course I will be more scared of him than Mom.

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