Kind Hearted ME

Mom is very proud of me for a moment when I said that I wanted to donate some money to the charity figurine at Cold Storage today. I was hesitant because I was not sure what is the charity thingy all about. So I had posed several questions to Mommy before I took out my coins.
Still, eventually I took out a 20-cent coin and put into the slot. After we hopped into Daddy's car, I asked Mommy for the coins which I had donated just now. When Mommy told me that the coins are in the figurine already, I asked her to fork out her own coins to give me back the money...

***Sigh*** is exactly what Mom can only do. So thats why she was only proud of me FOR A MOMENT... But nevertheless, its the thought that counts. Perhaps I still do not understand the logic of donations. Anyway, Mom has always been skeptical towards public donations since the NKF issue here.

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