Jackie Cheung 1/2 Century Concert

Today, both Daddy & Mommy went to watch the world's best concert ~ Jackie Cheung. Its just like they are back to the old days when they were still a couple. So sweet and they enjoyed the concert very much together. Ever since myself & mei mei are born; they do not have couple-days together anymore. Only sometimes in the night, when both of us are asleep, they will spend some time watching tv or a show together once in awhile. However ever since Mom started work, she had to spend more time on her work (on her laptop). So quality time is being minimised. 
Time is precious. Married couples whom have kids seldom will have home-alone time together. Those whom had must treasure and those who dun have, must try to "squeeze" some time out at least once a week. The busy schedules during weekdays already keep the couple tied up. Weekends will be the time for relaxation & family time. Where would there be "Pak-Tor" time? So time management is very important. Even if it is just a few minutes of chat between the couple, a simple dinner session between the two of them; can mean alot.

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