Cake-Tasting 2

Both Mom & Dad had gotten themselves 2 cakes only this time as Dad wanted to try the Orange Zest which is claimed to be good. After a good bite however, he does not want to finish anymore as he said he didnt really fancy fruit cake that much... So Mom gotta gobble the rest of it. Tiramisu is alright but did not really catch their attention. So far, Blackforest is still the best.
Mom was talking to her colleague/Annie some time back about the best blackforest cake in town. Coincidentally, her BF works at Grand Hyatt, where serves the BEST blackforest so far.. Apparently, whiletheir blackforest is different from other confectionery , it cost approximately SGD 16.00 plus a small piece of it.. probably half of the pic shown here. Well, these will be what we termed <> HIGH-END CAKE. Mom hopes to try one day!
Jie Jie Annie, please ask your BF to bake one for my MOMMY PLEASE....