Hand-me-downs from Javier

Just when Mommy is about to get some new clothes for me, Aunty Sammi had given us a bag of hand-me-down clothes. They all look so brand new and we really appreciate it. They are all very nice.
These nicest clothes - Javier had specifically informed Aunty Sammi to pass the clothes to me and not to anyone else. Because these are all his favorite clothes! Honestly, they are all very nice!

Now, Mom can save up a little bit until maybe end of the year for some new year clothes 2013. As we do not usually hang outside most of the time, except some weekends spent at my Por Por house. Mom does not believe that I need to wear too formally to Por Por House... because likely to dirty my clothes every now & then, since I am kinda "careless" in handling my food at times...

Anyway, BIG Thank You to Javier! You had always make my days wonderful!

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