New Water Bottle

There are so many umpteen & several times that I changed my water bottles...
Reasons Given:
* My Friend took my water bottle & throw on the floor

* My Friend took out the straw & break it
* My Friend swing my water bottle
* My Friend plays my water bottle, its not me!
* My Friend breaks the strap

Noticed all the "My Friend..." Yes, I will just pushed the blame all to my friends in the school.

Mom tackled this intelligently by telling me this -

"If you spoil the water bottle again, you will not bring any water bottle to school.
All your CHILDREN (I refer my class/schoolmates as my Children, as imitating from the way my teacher speaks) will LAUGH at you, saying you dont have water bottle."

Well, now I have a new water bottle by Smash.
Very close to the Nike one which Daddy has; same mechanism.

Why Mom buy this;

:: No straw, so no excuse to spoil the straw
:: No strap, so no excuse to break the strap
:: Bottle rigid enough, won't break easily
:: No playing of "dripping water down" from bottle
:: Does not drip water even if overturn (same as above)
:: Bottle big enough to put water for me to finish and refill

Good CHOICE~! And I like it, most importantly.

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