Happy Mother's Day

After almost 4 years of hard toil (since Im coming to 4 years old soon); Mommy finally heard the 1st phrase from me on this special day.
And that is; "Mommy, Happy Mother's Day!"
Well, I think being able to hear these exact words from your beloved child, is the greatest gift of all in a mother's life. I guess Mom's tears was just rolling inside her eyes though as she held them back. But these are tears of Joy, hey!

Anyway, this new school is pretty good I would say. Even Mom sings praises to her Supportive Spouse.

My Chinese Teacher had taught us to do "PEARL NECKLACE"; as you can see from the 1st picture above, "sign off" by my Chinese Name.

My English Teacher on the other hand, made us created a nice pink flower made with a small button & felt cloth. Its just a simple handicraft, yet created with love and kind words...

"A Mother is a Flower

Plucked from Heaven above
A Gift God gives to Children
To Brighten their Lives with Love"

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