
Showing posts from May, 2011

Baby Pouch/Sling

Mom could not find the old sling which I used before... So ahe decided to buy a new one from pupsik instead. This is how mommy & mei mei looked like when they are "sling together".. Alot of on-lookers either comment, "Wow, so cuteeee!!" OR "Wah, see the baby snug in so comfortably". The only comment mom detests is, "Hey, baby is so small." SMALL is the word, yes. She is highly sensitive to this word... She hopes mei mei can grow faster... Then she needs not hear these 'unwanted' remarks. Cheerlos, Mom!

Reason I luv school (Mini Bed)

Dad told mom; it was a wise decision to change my school. I no longer cries before school, I started to do alot of art pieces and activities in school. I even can recite to mom on what the teacher had taught us... See the one of the few nice items I had made.

Soother/Pacifier OR NOT?

Mom was contemplating if mei mei should be given the pacifier... since couple of weeks back.. The hospital had been giving her soother whenever she cries while they prepared her milk... I guess it is really a savior afterall. Mom used it, tested and tried. Finally it is proven that soother (also known as pacifier) does help a lot of busy mommies... Mom's concern is if mei mei will have a different lips since the soother will make the mouth looks like a little piggy mouth. Hope mei mei won't. She is extremely careful. Only uses when necessary... And hope the same when it's under the new maid's care..

Half Asleep or Wilful?

Yes, look at the way mei mei sleeps.., sometimes I wonder if she is already sleeping or on the verge of dozing off... The way she sleeps is weird enough; sometimes could be hilarious too. Best part is; she would laugh in sleep while most babies smile their sleep... Mom dun understand why but her frens were telling them; perhaps Angels are playing with her. They are having such a great time till she laughed it out even in her dreams... So sweet!

CopyCat (Nuggets)

We went to my favorite hideout!!! Macdonald! As usual my McNiuggets Happy Meal. In the midst of eating, I noticed mom & dad had special powder on their French fries.. I kept bugging them. As they know, I will hold on to the end till they do something about it. So m decided to take packet of pepper on sprinkle on my fried instead... Make as though like their fries... I just want to be the same like dad & mom.. Eat the same food and share the same drink; Yes COLD DRINK!


Somehow, Mom should be very pleased as I'm already a 4 year old boy.. No longer the small baby which mom used to sayang at the slightest thing.. Etc. Now the pamper goes to mei mei. She has all the attention. Still remembered when she first came home, she was just like a small kitten.. Now time has passed and she has improved tremendously as well. The Chinese always believe; babies who sleep longer during their naps and love to sleep are good. Because it's thru sleeping, they grow rapidly. Though there is no evidence but mom does believe as she sees thru her own eyes... Mei mei is growing up day by day... The happiest thing in earth now, I would say; to mommy.

My 1st Babylegs!

Today, mom bought mei mei a pair of Babylegs. It's a different size, smaller and it's called the newborn size. Pretty comfortable since it's 100% organic and mei mei is loving it. I remembered myself having a pair but it's nowhere to be found. I took it out and play some time ago and now, it's lost!!

Keropok (Cracker) dip in black sauce?

Now I begin to ask for keropok & crackers... MSG (monosodium glutamate) is the culprit of course... To make it worse, I can often get it from school birthday goody bags.... So how to not resist?? This day @ Ayam Penyet, I started to eat crackers like mommy. I even dipped them into some sweet sauce (Kecap Manis). And I had been loving it since then. Of course, we do not have the sauce at home. As per Daddy, the good Kecap Manis is to buy direct from Indonesia.. Anyway, titbits are just not healthy. Mom been trying to curb as well...

My 4th Birthday

Since my 1st year birthday in the year 2008; I had not been celebrating my birthday in big hoo haa parties.. Mom planned to have the next bog birthday bash on my 12th birthday instead. That is to signify my last year of celebrating as a young kid and gonna enter into my teenage life soon. Well, for my mei mei; it would be different as she did not have any full month party. Mom jokingly told Daddy last nite; "Mei mei 1st year bash will be held @ Shang-ri La okay?" Daddy gave a silly look. Well well well, I won't feel inferior to my mei mei. Mommy always drill this few statements into my brains: She's ur mei mei, you must lurve her, protect her with all your heart. U will not allow anyone to bully her." Perhaps being flooded with the same phrases over & over again... I do luv my mei mei.. Or it is because she is too cute to resist...

Dozing Off

Not only its cute to watch babies sleep, its even hilarious just by looking at how they dozed off. During "my-time", Mom didn't have such 'appreciation' before since she was a 1st-time Mom at then, didn't really sit down and enjoy the actual 12 weeks (It was 12 weeks when I was born in the year 2007) of maternity leave. Now that Mom has a total of 16 weeks maternity leave plus another extension of 2 weeks unpaid leave, she had instructed herself to make full use & enjoy to the fullest as possible. When back to workforce, all the stress will start to build up from scratch for her...  Come to think of it, she's contemplating to change job... Enjoy the long-winded boring video but.... u will notice a part where Meimei starts to smile in her sleep. In fact, she loves to smile & cry in her sleep. At times, she even "made sounds" to laugh in her sleep.

Cute Pose - Prayer?

  Mom likes to watch the way I sleep. To her, she feels that babies are the cutest when they are sleeping because they will present their most adorable pose and even smile when asleep. Now, by looking at Meimei's pose, she looked as though she was in her prayers. Adorable, isn't it? Mom has the most peaceful time alone whenever Meimei sleeps. However, Mom will try to spend some quality time with her as well. As she recalled, she also did the same with me when I was a newborn but most of the time, I would be waking up every 2 hours since I latched on (drank BM direct from breast). This time, Meimei is "luckier" as she was totally on Breastmilk for almost 2 months. So, for Meimei to wake up for milk: ranges from 3 hrs to 4 hrs. Direct latch-on: Mom is unable to gauge the actual amount of Breastmilk I had drunk. So anyway, now the routine is Bottle Expressed Breastmilk during the day and Latch-On during the night. At least Mom can have better sleep compared to "m

Happy Mother's Day

After almost 4 years of hard toil (since Im coming to 4 years old soon); Mommy finally heard the 1st phrase from me on this special day. And that is; "Mommy, Happy Mother's Day!" Well, I think being able to hear these exact words from your beloved child, is the greatest gift of all in a mother's life. I guess Mom's tears was just rolling inside her eyes though as she held them back. But these are tears of Joy, hey! Anyway, this new school is pretty good I would say. Even Mom sings praises to her Supportive Spouse. My Chinese Teacher had taught us to do "PEARL NECKLACE"; as you can see from the 1st picture above, "sign off" by my Chinese Name. My English Teacher on the other hand, made us created a nice pink flower made with a small button & felt cloth. Its just a simple handicraft, yet created with love and kind words... "A Mother is a Flower Plucked from Heaven above A Gift God gives to Children To Brighten their Lives wi


Actually I didnt fancy Doughnuts at all. Because I do not like to eat the 'dough' itself. Recently, I told Mommy - to buy doughnuts for me. But she didnt because she needs to know the kind of flavour I would like. So one fine day, we passed by a Doughnut shop and I shouted, "I want Doughnut, Mommy!" So I chose the one with plain chocolate. At this moment, then Mommy realized it is because of CHOCOLATE - that explains my sudden crave for doughnut. Dunno since when I started to crave for all types of chocolates. It could be due to the new school exposure, anyway; u gain something and lose something. Mom changed my school mainly because of lousy teachers and no fixed principal. Now, in this present all are good but the exchange of titbits, sweets & junk foods are completely inevitable. **Sigh**

Ilyse looks

ilyse still looks like a little newborn to Mommy as of now.  She is just so cute and looks like a small little sister; waiting for us to cuddle her. Alot of people said mei mei ilyse looks more like Mommy. Actually she feels the same way too. But at a certain angle, she feels that ilyse has her own set of looks instead. Except the resemblance on eyes and mouth, she has Daddy's nose ~ high bridge;  she looks 'familiar' to Daddy.  Daddy keeps saying, ilyse looks like somebody but he cannot recall who. Well, sounds weird. Its either I have a common face, or Daddy known me since previous life?? The word "FAMILIAR" does sound kinda odd... We shall see how ilyse face changes as she progresses.