It has been some time since Mom's last updates. Somehow, she was rather stressed up with her growing-up toddler (that is me!) and some unimportant issues surrounding her. Well, she decides to cast them all aside to put her concentration on me instead.

Honestly, it should be quite easy to look after me as per what my school teachers all claimed to be... but after some time now, chinese teacher complaint that am getting naughtier. Things like I'll take out the toys from the toy box while she's trying to pack... I refused to change diaper after I poo. After making a big fuss to ask teacher to make milk, I refused to drink... At home, I began to split saliva (didnt do tis in school though)...

The only consolation is, I am able to eat by myself... BUT, I'l ether split out the food onto thefloor or throw them on my tray/floor when Im full. Really independent, perhaps more towards to the playful. I just cant stop playing.

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