Really bad-tempered

Mom used to see toddlers throwing tantrums in Toy Marts, Supermarts or even along the streets; by lying down on the floor to scream & bawl. She prbably never expects the same would occur to her. So when it did, she's really at her wits end. I did once in NTUC and very often at home nowadays. Thowing temper & tantrums was a norm before my childcare days. Now, its more on a adhoc basis. But of course, this is not good even they are just occasional tantrums.

Mom started to read up books on discipline, handling tantrums... didnt seem to help much though as theory is always easier than practical. She will still try to keep me under control by distracting me or offering something in exchange. Anyway, same trick does not always work. Mom tries to be innovative and there I am; always have a different spots for her. So being a handful is a right description of me, Ray.

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