Home Remedies for Baby Flu

Extracted from BabyCenter.com -->
Eleven safe home remedies to soothe your child's cold and flu symptoms

Something which Mommy would like to share with all fellow Moms... after catching up with Tessa's Mom recently.

1) Honey (12 months and up)
2) A neti pot (4 years and up)

3) Nose blowing (2 years and up)
4) A bulb syringe (best for babies)
5) Vapor rubs --> I think above 2 years old & only on chest & back... NOT anywhere near nose..
6) Gargling with salt water (4 years and up)
7) Elevating the head (all ages)
8) Lots of rest (all ages)
9) Steamy air (all ages)
10) Extra fluids (6 months and up)
11) Chicken soup and other warm liquids (6 months and up)

Im only on tis presribed Nasal Spray for now (which is also known as above item 2) & Vapor (also known as Vicks)... The old folks added; by applying Vapor slightly above the child's forehead and rub gently up helps... Another is to rub Vapor on the soles of the child's feet and wear his socks over before he sleeps.. Mom tried both... not really a significant recovery yet but I seems to breath much better, sniff lesser during my sleep.

The next - Mom will try to get some honey for me since it may help my on-going flu & cough...

Surprisingly; chicken soup actually helps to alleviate the flu. Old folks say - if you have flu, must avoid chicken.. Otherwise, gonna be a long-term flu... Well, skeptical about myths but again, based on facts and logic, warm liquid does somehow "magically loosen" my thick mucous for a moment.

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