Had a great fall

Eversince childcare, my life seems to be full of events; never-ending.

Just today, I had a great fall & hit to sides of the shelves at childcare. Im lucky its not some pointed corners (anyway, can't find either since childcares supposed to child-proof afterall). 1 of the teachers disinfected my wound and put on a plaster for me.. Oh, looks as if disfigured but not too bad. Mom thought should be fine since am a boy afterall. Dad thought ~ 1 or 2 "scars" will make me look more like a man...
Photobucket --> thats how Mom felt.
And Photobucket--> how other people might thought after reading this...
Well, that's my dad. He's not humorous but sometimes the things he said; makes people stop & think, perhaps with a laugh behind.

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