Happy Birthday Daddy!

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2359 - the very last minute which still marks Daddy's day! Well, am borned because of him, so thats why he's so special to me.. And folks, I know this is gonna be mushy but I have to say, am the harvest from their LOVE ... So they should thank me for bringing so much joy to them, yea Daddy!

Anyway, we had fun at Wild Wild Wet today, had an early dinner at Cafe Cartel, brought some simple cakes for Daddy.. He didnt want any initially but Mommy "forced" him to have some, not 1. Okay, its a simple yet meaningful mini celebration. But I know Daddy loves this day very much. As this is the really 1st time he spent his birthday with me. Talking about last year, I was only 7months, nothing I would know, neither was I involved as I was busy catching flies in my dreamland then.

We did not take any pics this time as its not easy to take pic when in waters since hers is not a waterproof cam... Next trip, will take some to keep.


Some Nice Cakes...

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