2nd Set of Molars?

2nd set of MOLARS (in Purple below) out! Continuous itchiness & teething pain persist as usual. Putting my fingers to bite & suck has become a norm but my maid seems to be stopping me from doing it, how infuriating! So ended up big time from me instead, I screamed and shouted at her eh... As this is so annoying, I forbid Mom from brushing my teeth lately. So she went back to finger brush or even just make do by just wiping my teeth with a wet cloth..

As known, 2nd set of molars supposed to erupt around 2yrs old. But mine was early. Canines (in PINK below) have yet to arrive..

These are some of the teething symptoms - am experiencing them ALL!
  • Drooling (which can lead to a facial rash)
  • Gum swelling and sensitivity
  • Irritability or fussiness
  • Biting & Gum Rubbing behavior
  • Refusing food
  • Sleep problems
  • Mild Temperature elevation
  • Ear rubbing
  • Facial Rash

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