
Showing posts from September, 2008

Salamat Hari Raya

Today is the eve of Hari Raya Puasa. Hari Raya Puasa is a very important occasion that is celebrated by Muslims all over the world. It is also known as the festival that marks the end of one month of fasting. The words ‘Hari Raya’ mean 'day of celebration.' Many have mistaken Hari Raya Puasa for the Muslim New Year but it is not. Most of the muslims' families windows and doors will be decorated by fanciful lightings.. Just as I stepped into my bathroom, I stopped and stared at the window.. Mom was wondering - what caught Ray's attention? Well, I was staring at the lightings at the neighbour's windows (upstairs). I was fascinated by its lights that are changing (in color) and blinking away. Here are some of the nice lightings in Singapore in celebration of Hari Raya Puasa.

Another trial

2nd trial of Set Dinner I seemed to be all set & ready for my dinner set but... halfway through, I stopped and refused to eat anymore. This gesture of mine is really putting Mom's patience at test. Well, she tried to feed again and distract me by putting some toys on my tray. Still, it took me ages to finish the whole dinner.

Last shave

Today I had my last shave - 1st after my full month and 2nd after my 1st year. This 3rd will be my last shave before Xmas 2008. Hope to have fuller & neater hair though. Mom has to put in extra efforts to brush my hair. Anyway, during the haircut, both Mom & Dad had a tough time. I guess most parents are facing the same problems too. But a handful of babies are indeed easier to handle, unlike me. As it is, I bully my maid, my mommy. Am only has this little fear towards Daddy. Those whom I dun fancy - wont have a chance to carry me in arms ~~ unless they force themselves on me which I do detest; especially so since I am still not able to express myself, difficult to complain to Mom. But trust me, I will do that the next time I speak, folks.

Have fun at arcade

Nice weekend to begin with F1 ! Anyway, we went to CS Arcade today to feel the F1 heat. Well, we can see alot of young boys - NOT teenagers but primary sch boys, hogging onto the machines. Well, Mom & Dad took turns to put me on their lap, while the other played. Steering the wheel excites me!

Set Dinner

It has been few nights where I did not finish my porridge. Mom is trying to figure out the reason. Weird part is - I do not want to eat my porridge but want to Mom's dinner instead... 1st trial - dinner settings & cutlery set Mom used a set of smaller plates to put my porridge and food separately; just like how an adult eats. So she tried to feed me - by placing porridge on a sppon wz some "pan-fried" fish, some carrots and potatoes. The result is success! I finished my porridge in no time. Well, at least her efforts in the preparation did paid off. Looks like am gonna eat like that every night. Close-up

Free Gift

Mom received Enfa's monthly newsletter - which indicates free gift with the purchase of 1.8kg of Enfagrow... Well, the prices of diary products had ncreased tremedously over the months.. Even the chinese medical shop which Mom frequents - does not have exception too. But this time, Enfa wz free gift cost $49.95 and the Chinese Medical shop is selling $49.00 without free gift.. So she bought from NTUC instead. Well, every cent counts now since the inflation. Its a nice free gift. I had the doodle from Fisher Price and now Water Doodle! Must be fun, cant play now though. Probably a few months' time.

Running nose..

Im having some running nose & cough.. Oh dear, so Mom has to take urgent leave today to bring me to the doc. It was raining since last night and it didnt stop until morning. Probably weather was not good and virus is flying around. Well, was prescribed the same medication as previous and nothing major, lungs & throat are fine.. slightly feverish, up and down. Dad said, "Its ok for kids to fall sick sometimes so as to build up their immune system."

こんにちは (hello)

How do I look in Japanese-styled rompers? Looks cute though since Im fair-skinned like some other Japanese babies...

In MRT Train

As and when we take MRT Train to anywhere, Mom always carry a snack container with her. Since I am a very impatient boy, I will not sit still in the stroller for long... So in order to appease me, she will have to feed me snack to "shut" me down. If not, it will be havoc as I will make a hell lot of noise till the whole train of people will stare me at real hard... as if I am tortured by Mom.. This is the thing Mom detests the most... People who had not been parents before will usually not be able to understand why some Moms & Dads will rather let their babies cry n shout.. This is because, they as parents know their babies the best - no matter how they coax these little ones, they will never quiet down but scream even louder.. The only way is to pretend not to get affected so that these little rascals will know its of no use even if they shout or cry break their throat... Anyway, Mom managed to put me down with some cookies... see how happy I was in the train then.

Growing up

Time pass real fast and Im already past 16 months old... Still remember when I was in Mommy's tum tum, she kept whispering to me - to be strong always.. Now whenever Mom looks at me, she feels proud of herself to have a brave baby, and now has grow so "tall" from a tiny little bean in the womb. Till now, she still finds it miraculous.

Combi Mug

Ok, I have this combi mug which Mom bought to train me to drink from straw and ultimately from the mug itself... She had a hard time coazing me to use it and of course since its new to me, I didnt really know how to suck from a straw.. Nevertheless, Mom will still continue to try. Its a nice mug - light and user-friendly. Only matter of getting used to it though. Ashamed to say, am still drinking from teats while other toddlers are already on mug.

Change of Porridge

Nowadays, I have the tendency of not swallowing my porridge quickly. Instead I keep it in my mouth for a good few mins before swallowing.. Of course Mom is really at wits... Well, roots cause could be the change in porridge? Mom cooked the porridge to more coarse since now am older, should be learn to chew more before I swallow. Haa, lazy side of me emerged which really driving Mommy crazy.. Looks more like a proper porridge... Close-up

My Lantern

Mom tried means & ways to find Pooh Bear Lantern for me but in vain... So we just made do with an ~ DUHHH "Ultraman" Lantern given by Mama... Well, since then its better than nothing at all. So we had a great fun outside the corridor during this Mid-Autumn Festival. Mom did not bring me down to the playground to join the grownup kids since the ground is still wet after a downpour... I had an enjoyable time with Mom though. Along the Corridor In the Dark Kitchen where I explore my own shadow... Wahahahaa...


The next "1st taste" would be mooncakes! Mom's all-time favourite annually during each Mid-Autumn Festival. As usual, Mom bought Daddy's favourites from The Regent, and Dad bought Sheraton's for Mom. Wow, what a loving couple woh! Anyway, lets take a look at their mooncakes... of course I tried all of them. Such a waste we did not have any Durian flavour this year since Dad does not fancy. Well, Mom promised to let me try next year. The Regent White Lotus Paste & Pandan Paste Sheraton Towers Champage White Chocolate Mooncakes

1st Taste of Orange

My 1st taste of Orange!! Yum yum, Mom added some water in to make it less sweet for me since am still a young toddler. Orange to provide Vitamin C, Mom could be naive to think it is to lessen the chance of catching a flu since weather hasn't been good over here. Well, she plan to let me try more freshly-squashed/squeezed fruit juice soon.

My Busy Schedule

As Aunty Ning is new; Mom has to draw up a simple schedule as a guide for her to follow just in case.. Tis is my schedule when I was with Aunty Ani previously... So somehow, it has to be the same way even if there is a change of care-taker...

A Day with Ning

Mom was on Medical Leave today from work. This also marked her last rest day at home. The next following day will be solely Aunty Ning and me. Fortunately, our neighbour (both the Ah Ma & maid) is very helpful. They always come over to see how I am doing at home and often plays with me. I really appreciate their kindness and very grateful to them. I will "repay" them when I grow up next time.. (Errmmm, how to repay arh.. eh, I will ask Mom). Anyway, Aunty Ning had her "Final Exam" today after a week of training with Mom. She took care of me whole day without Mom's supervision. Well, I have to admit I do bully her. I refused to sleep and played whole day until evening... She had no choice but to put me on highchair with my bolster (facing the kitchen) while she did her work in the kitchen. I couldn't take it anymore and finally dozed off on the chair. Well, it will take some time for Aunty Ning to get acustomed to my habits and finally settle me down.

Pepper Lunch at Taka

These few days, we had made some trips to Takashimaya to get some mooncakes. Today was our last trip down as it was really crowded. Mom & Dad got what they wanted and we headed for lunch at Pepper's. Mom & Dad shared their orders as usual and I got a tiny taste of them.. Its supposed to be spicy for me but it didnt put me off. Well, my lunch was actually a tuna bread from Crystal Jade Bakery... DUH... boring as I do not seem to love white bread. It was the tuna that made me finished half of the loaf anyway. Mom's Order Dad's Order

Power of Sucking

Im all engrossed in sucking the water bottle cover... When Mom found out, it was too late as saliva had emerged all over my neck and fingers.... Bwaahahahaaa.... Again, probably its time for me to learn to use some straws next time. Anyway, I am in the process of learning to sip from cup.. still room for improvement though. My combi training cup gonna come in handy now.

Daddy's Briefcase

Daddy's briefcase is always heavy (for me) - full of papers be it used or unused... Do you know that the heaviest thing in the world is actually PAPER, Daddy? This briefcase was given by Uncle Gary (his bro), and Daddy had been using it for the past 4years since then... A devoted man - and he is my Dad, folks. You may think Im favouring my own dad but honestly, he is by far the only man whom Mom had met; a man who will use a stuff for like... uhm, more than 20years and he still keeps it with him in original colour, shape and surprising usually in good condition.

Future racer?

I am infatuated with cars. Perhaps its an inheritance from Dad. His love for cars is immeasurably deep; especially towards the prestigious F1 Grand Prix. Every alternate weekends without fail, he will hog the TV and enjoy the 2-hr race + 45mins Race Day on Sunday; and prior to Race Day, 1-hr Qualifying on Saturday. I will sit beside Dad to watch with him (for a while), my eyes will look as if its gonna pop out while it stayed on the tv for a good 2mins before Mom calls me for something else. Anyway, Mom is greatly influenced by Dad of course... and she thought Kimi looks cool.

My Laundry Basket

I started to carry things with handle over my hands... laundry basket is one of them. Guess this is another milestones of mine. Come to think of it, this laundry basket was bought at Daiso way before I was borned... Still remembered Mom bought from PS branch during a rainy day... Poor Mom lugged bags of stuff home in train with a big tummy... I will remember the things Mom had done for me.

Ani's Last-Day wz me

1st of Sep - marked Aunty Ani's last day since she first joined us back last year 2007 Sep. Well, it was a pretty sad moment for Mommy. She's her first maid afterall so; hard to hold back her tears when she bid her goodbye at the door. Aunty Ani didnt dare to look into Mom's eyes when she left because she herself (Ani) was in tears too. Both of them - an employer & a domestic worker had spent a relatively good time together for this past year. She had also trained me well on areas like: * Walks to the kitchen to throws my own diaper into bin * Picks up dirt from the floor and throws into bin * Keeps my own toys after playing * Takes & put things back to original place * Learns & speaks some short words Well, she is our history and we had a new maid that came along last Saturday. Her name is Aunty Ning-ning. Hopefully, all will be fine. These few days, new maid plays with me, reads storybooks to me, sings to me... Uhmm, dun remember if Aunty Ani did that too? Wel