Stomach upset

This evening, Mummy came back earlier from work to bring me to PD (again?). Since yesterday and today, I had poo-ed 3 times a day. Poo is yellowish and kinda watery. Its not like sticky light brown like last time (sorry for being gross)... Well, PD explained that babies' may suffer some stomach upset due to fever. So he confirmed it is normal for me to poo 3 times for these 2 days. He prescribed some sachets to mix in with my milk once a day. PD also advised to mix only 50% FM instead for the next 2 to 3 days. Say Im drinking 6 scoops of FM to 180ml of water. Mummy has to put 3 sccops to 180ml of water instead. My PD must be wondering why am I visiting him so many times this week. In total, I had seen him thrice for the past 7 days...

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