My library Trip

Mom's off-day because of Teacher's Day! As usual, Mom applied annual leave to accompany me as school is closed for a day. She bought 2 big packets of chocolates for me to give to the teachers... Then, we bought 4 gifts - 1 for Form Teacher, the other for Chinese Teacher. The rest of the 2 gifts are for my Principal & the Admin Lady. We will post this nice picture soon :)
Today, we paid a visit to the library. As usual, Mom did not allow me to borrow any books. Because we always never fail to forget to return the books back. Ended up, all the overdues piled up. However, this time, I pleaded Mom to allow me to borrow 1 book. So, we borrowed 1 for myself & 1 for Mom herself.
Quality time spent - worthwhile for this time.

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