Routine prayers

Way before I was born, Dad & Mom have been going to the Chinese Temper for prayers every weekend, be it rain or shine. This perseverance comes from Dad in fact. Mom gets a bit lazy at times but of course, she still tags along. Well, going out on one of the weekends is considered as a family day out eh. Our family day out is very simple. Prayers in the morning followed by brunch. Then if there is something which we need to buy, we will shop a while. Otherwise, we will just head back home. Yes, this is our weekends. Sounds bored, yeah. I dun usually get to go to big playgrounds or amusement parks often. Only once in a blue moon. Well, Mom thinks it's probably good and bad. Good is; I won't be requesting playgrounds every now & then, bad is I'm not exposed that much to outdoors except in school or school outings. Well anyway, there will b more opportunities of such exposure when I touch Primary School in 2 yrs time.

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