My worksheets

In school, I am given weekly worksheets in a booklet form to complete. The activities are quite fun. To mom, she thought I may not know what is really going on since I ended up scribbling all over the pages of the worksheets. But according to the teachers, it actually helped alot in my growing up process. Truly, I had learnt things like outlining pictures, able to identify pictures and even some selected alphabets. I love coloring. One fine morning, I even woke up; made a fuss saying, "I want to do coloring~ I want to do coloring!!"... And Mom figured out that I was actually dreaming about myself doing coloring and ended up being woke up by Mommy.

The other instance is - my schoolmate woke up crying saying, "I dun want coloring, I dun want coloring!!", as related by one of my teachers. Basically, he does not like coloring but I do. So, we have "opposite" dreams. Sounds funny and cute yeah.

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