My birth mark

I had a birth mark on my hand. Its a small brown spot which is rather visible. Mom suspects it could be because during her pregnancy, she sat on the bed and apply liquid foundation on her face. The old grandmother myths - pregnant women should never do anything on the bed especially sewing, cutting... etc. Applying foundation on the face is not included though but somehow due to superstitious, she believes it gotta do with something. And thats the only thing she can remembers. Anyway, if u look at it scientifically, it is due to some skin pigmentation. But she dun really believe. Well, the consolation is - the mark is on the hand and not on the face. So, she counts her blessings. Being pregnant is fun and truly a very meaningful process where each and every woman should go through. But in the midst of it, there are many things which one has to take note, particularly for the Asians.

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