My New Sarong

Mummy decided to get a Sarong (Yao Lan) for me; in hope that I can sleep longer during the day.
But seems like I still cannot sleep long in Sarong, and I dun seem to like it!

Guess Mummy would have to spend some time to train me during the day.
Hope I can get used to sleep sarong during the weekdays daytime; as Mummy is worried that the maid may not be able to cope once she goes back to office to work. So, with me sleeping in the Sarong for longer hours, the maid can do the chores and so on... Let's see my progess as the days go by.

This is how my Sarong looks like.
This is how Im gonna sleep as I dun like to lie totally flat. Im too used to my tummy down sleeping position.

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