Drumstick Time

I started to put my fingers into my mouth and drool quite often... The old grandmother tale is - Babies drool more because the Mommy's crave is curbed during her pregnancy... Well actually Daddy did somewhat dissuade Mom from eating certain foods as they are not healthy... Both Mommy & myself do understand his good intentions at then...

Anyway, till to-date; Mommy has not introduce any pacifier and she is gonna be firm on this. Guess she is rather bothered by an incident.. She was having lunch with Daddy one fine day at Subway.. (still Daddy's GF at then), spotted a boy put a pacifier into his own mouth, and he was like probably 10 yrs old... Well, that sight did left a deep impression on her mind. On top of that, she has friends whom have a hard time "weaning" their kids off the BIG P.

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