Calendar Pixel

Mommy has the idea of doing a calendar of me & Mei Mei. Maybe we can do up one for the Year 2013! See one example below... The pictures are a little blur. So, now - we can do one from baby birth to present... 12 months a year, that would be 6 each for us.
Ok, thats the plan. Meantime, Mommy needs to get a DVD to burn & store all the pictures in. Or else, if one day; CHOY CHOY, blog got problem!? Thumbdrive stuck?! Then, we gonna have a big problem.

Always need to make time to do this & that, Mom had so little time & yet so many things to do. Mommy - Being a mom really; NO off-days, NO sick leave, NO time off.. Busy 365 days, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day - minus 5 to 6 hours of sleep each, exclusive of the time waking up to feed milk, put us back to sleep...

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