Quit Pacifier

As of today, Mei Mei had quit PACIFIERS, SOOTHERS altogether. Actually, we targeted at the age of 2; we should be able to get her out of the pacifier world. But mom saw too many of examples of toddlers still using pacifier even in kindergarten, she has a fear. So she decides to cut Mei Mei away from these "addiction" earlier. So, officially - she quit at the age of 14months & 2 weeks.
I didn't have pacifier. But the reason why Mei Mei has one because mom didn't trust the new maid to put Mei Mei to zzz. It's also partly because of the me maid, that mom decides to discard them because they turned dirty after a few months use. So, the maid didn't even wash the pacifier.

Well, Mei Mei started off without pacifier during the day. Only nighttime. Of course, it's a hard time for Mei Mei. But after a week, no pacifier even in the night. Within 2 days, Mei Mei pushed the pacifier away from mom.


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