Waiting for food!

The minute Mei Mei is put onto the high hair; she started to move around, looking all eager and get ready to munch any types of foods that we gonna feed her. She is this little girl, seems to like all the foods on earth; we are talking about BEFORE Childcare.
Well, I was a very diligent eater as well before Childcare. I ate basically all types of vegetables & didn't savor on sweets & chocolates... But since the day I got sensible in school, I became picky. As an older toddler now, I even decides the amount of rice I should eat in order to "make space" for my snacks.

Now back to Mei Mei; see the way she waiting for her food... Not even a single second late the next spoon of food must reach her, else she will scream at the top of her voice.

Seems like her bad-temper behavior is surfacing soon. Let's wait & see!

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