My Crayola

Mom got some Crayola magic pens for me after much consideration. Since I often get my hands dirty, and it's always so difficult to wash them off, Crayola magic pens can washed off easily with just water & a bit of soap. Colors look more vibrate too.
I also have this "magic book" with 3 special pens. The tips look and are white in color. But when use the special pen to color on this magic book pages, color appears slowly. It fascinated me of course. And because of this, I had learnt to hold my coloring pen well & know the amount of strength I should exert when coloring. Well, I used to color very hard and papers often got spoilt because of this.
So Crayola is indeed a good buy and great deal to grab during Robinson Expo Sale. Online purchases can be made in Crayola websites but only if u join spree.

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