Car wipers

One fine morning, we were walking to school as usual. I started all my WHY-questions...
Sometimes Mom just finds it hard to answer to ALL my questions. To those Moms out there, u know what I meant.

Well, then we came to the topic of question-&-answer on wipers on the vehicle windscreens...

Surprisingly, I describe how different the directions of the wipers are; on different vehicles like on cars, buses. Mom asked about bicycles, motorcycles, I told Mom -- There are NO wipers on them, Mommy. Only bus, car, lorry and truck.

Dunno if Im so alert to notice on these, she is just taken by surprise on how well I know about the "wiper" wiping directions. Maybe as a toddler, its easier to remember things with one look or even a few more times. So we adults always have to be careful on our words in front of our little ones, and even actions.

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