Calamine lotion

Calamine lotion is like my best friend - as mentioned yesterday, I always use Calamine Lotion on my insect or mosquito bites... Actually, it did not really help very much but it will restrict myself from scratching further which indirectly helps alot. Because if I start to scratch the bite, it will swell and eventually harden that look like a bump..

Today I used it on my face... Hahahaha

Sometimes, I will ask Mom to apply on areas where I feel discomfort even though there isn't any bites or irritation. Probably its the mint cooling effect that soothes my skin somehow, so I love the feeling. Weird but when calamine lotion is applied, I would complain "La-La", in Mandarin terms as "Burning sensation"; but I still ask Mommy to apply more.

Besides Calamine Lotion, I guess no other lotions will make me feel safe by not scratching as even doc prescribed cream lotion does not prevent me from touching my irritated skin. Anyway, I inherited my sensitive skin from Mommy... Luckily for now, kids are more fortunate as they have good moisturizing lotion in the market that helps soothes the tender Baby Skin. Unlike in the past where things are not so advanced and probably only use Johnson & Johnson... just like Mommy.

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