Using Fork & Spoon

Usually, I only use a spoon or if not, MY BARE HANDS! Got scolded in fact several times by Mom though. The other day when we were at Pizza Hut; Daddy taught me to use a Spoon together with a Fork. Dunno why, but when am being taught by Daddy, I can learnt much faster. Honestly, Mom does not know the right type of spoon to use for my age now. So, she just keeps stock different types of spoon for me to use.

The way I hold my spoon is rather stable now; just that it tends to tilt one side before it reached my mouth. Practise makes perfect! I started to self-feed quite some time ago though most of the time, I made a mess out of my plate & tray. Mom still have to feed me at the end of the day. She is truly looking forward to the day when she can safely leave me alone; to eat myself.

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